Friday, May 12, 2017

The End of An Era

This picture may not seem like a big deal to the average person, but to me, it represents the end of one era and the beginning of another.  Sophia has struggled with reading.  It's not that she cannot do it, it's that she lacks the confidence to move along as fast as I know she could.  We had to jump back levels multiple times. She, like me, gets major mental blocks when it comes to doing certain things that seem insurmountable in the moment.  She is almost unable to push through if she thinks she cannot do it.  The majority of the time, things do not come to fruition until she decides in her own mind that she can do them. 

It has taken A LOT of patience on my part, but here she is, sitting on the couch, reading a chapter book to herself with not prodding from me. I've told her countless times that she can read chapter books on her own, but she just would not listen.  So, today marks the first time, I believe, she knows she can do it on her own.  Although it did not come as fast as I wanted, I sure learned a lot in the process and she is slowly seeing what she is capable of...all in due time.  

I am praising God for this simple picture of what can result from gently pushing your kiddos without breaking them.  This is a lesson I am constantly learning.  Be encouraged parents! Just because your kids aren't doing what other kiddos might be doing, they are still learning the vital life skill of perseverance.  This is FAR more important than being the "smartest" kid around.

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