Monday, January 28, 2013

Deep Thoughts

"Mom, how strong are ducks?" - Sophia

"Mom, I really wish our food could talk so it could tell us what it was when we went potty." - Sophia

Sunday, January 27, 2013


The Zone

Sophia loves to write her letters and copy words.  Yesterday she was in the "zone" playing for about an hour.  I love seeing her quietly talk to herself and her babies while playing school.  I'm so thankful for the mind God has given her. 



Catching the Light

I am a sucker for good lighting.  My kids were napping, so I was the only one awake to get my picture taken. 

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Painting with Grandma

Grandma Louise and Victoria came over yesterday to hang out with us since Daddy was working late again.  They brought some bird houses and the girls had a lot of fun painting them. 

Monday, January 21, 2013


We spent most of Saturday in our jammies.  The girls even took a walk and car ride in them. 

Whenever they put their arms around one another and are actually being sweet to eachother I want to stop time. 

I love lazy Saturdays.