Friday, May 30, 2014

Potty Signs

We were walking in a parking lot and Liv saw a handicap parking spot.  She stopped and pointed at it saying, "This means you are not supposed to have potty accidents right here."  I was confused for a moment and then realized she thought it was a picture of a person sitting on the toilet.  That kid. 

I Never Told You This

"Guess what, Mom, I never told you this but...when I was four I used to believe that America was a State.  Isn't that silly?"  ---Sophia

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Baby B

I got to take pictures of an adorable little girl, Brynna, and her mommy while visiting Tucson.  She was super photogenic and I am excited that they can share these with Brynna's daddy for Father's Day.  My girls ate her up afterwards when they got to play together. 

Just Because

Tea Party

Our friends gave Soph and Liv a tea party invitation for their birthdays.  It was so much fun.  I loved watching Collin serve them their stuff.  Thanks, Kinley's!