Liv and Soph have been so cute together lately. They have finally started playing with one another. Most of the time, Sophia is the mommy and Liv is the baby. While they were in this tent one day I heard Sophia ask Livvy if she wanted to nurse. I jumped in at that point and suggested that they use the bottle. It is so fun watching them enjoy one another and seeing them excited to see one another and play. I pray that they continue to grow in their friendship.
We are working with Sophia on encouraging Livvy to do the right thing. She tends to yell out, "Livvy, go to Mama" or "Livvy, don't hit me." These are good things, but she makes sure that she says it loud enough for me to hear. Lately I have heard her whisper to Livvy, "Go do the right thing, Livvy. Obey Mama." It is such a joy to see your kids not only do what you say, but also hearing them try and help others do the right thing in a gentle way.

I love this post! And the pictures are just beautiful!