Friday, July 26, 2013

God Never Rests

Me:  Did you know that God never rests or sleeps?
Sophia:  Except on that one day.
Me:  You mean the 7th day of creation?
Sophia:  Yes.  The bible says that God rested.
Me:  It does say that God rested, but in that context it means that he didn't create anything more.

I can't get anything past that kid.  I am glad that she sees the Bible as the authority above me, though:). 

Thursday, July 25, 2013

6th Anniversary

We celebrated our 6th anniversary on July 21st.  Mike and I went down to La Jolla to walk on the beach and get dinner.  It is one of our favorite places to go together and it was great to be able to sit and talk with no interruptions.  I didn't get any pics of our faces because it's hard to do with my camera.  I'm so thankful for Mike.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013


I got to take pictures of Isabella the other day.  She has the ability to be both beautiful and hilarious at the same time.  I loved talking with her throughout the whole photo shoot.  She laughed freely and made our time so fun.  Thanks, Bella!