Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Interview About Daddy For Father's Day

Interview About Daddy 2013:

 What color hair does Daddy have?

L: Black

S: Black

How old is Daddy?

L: 2

S: 4

What does Daddy do at work all day?

L:  Buy money

S: He gets money for us to buy food and go to stores.

What is Daddy’s favorite song?

L: Jesus Loves Me

S: Little Drummer Boy

What is Daddy’s favorite food?

L: Playdough

S: Carne Asada burritos

What does daddy like to do with you?

L: Snuggle

S: Wrestle


What makes daddy sad?

L: Going to work

S: When I hit him

How do you know Daddy loves you? 

L: So much

S: He cleans up our stuff in the back room,


What is something that Daddy always tells you?

L: Daddy eat me and wrestle

S: I love you


If you could give daddy anything what would you give him?

L: A hug

S: An iPad for both of us in case I don’t have mine anymore


What does Daddy like to wear?

L: clothes

S: shoes


What is your favorite thing about your Daddy?

 L: I love daddy all day long

S: Snuggling


What does Daddy love about Mommy?

 L: To snuggle

S: He likes to pick Mama up and hug her.


How strong is Daddy?

 L: Too big

 S: Really strong.


 What is the best thing Daddy ever said to you?

L: I love you so much

S: I love you.


What is the silliest thing Daddy has ever said to you?

 L: Eat me and wrestle.

 S: Ee  Ee Ah Ah (when he is a monkey).


What animal does Daddy most look like?

 L: Monkey

S: A zebra. 


What does Daddy do for Mommy?

 L: Love her so much

 S: He cleans-up the kitchen sometimes.


What does Daddy talk about?

 L: Love you so much

 S:  Silly stuff like "Rar, rar." 






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