Friday, March 29, 2013


Soph loves to be with Daddy.  Today he was mowing the law and she sat and watched him the whole time.  I love her sweet face.  She even looks cute when she is in her nightgown:).

Friday, March 22, 2013

Little Mommy

Liv loves her babies.  She is such a good mommy.  I love it when she says, "Oh baby!  You sad?  You need to hold me?  Come here baby.  I hold you." 
snuggles them,

checks their diaper,

reads them the bible upside down,

 let's them watch mama cook,

kisses them

and gives them her undivided attention.

Sweet Days

I came across these pictures of me and Mike.  We look so young!  Those were sweet days. 

Wednesday, March 13, 2013



It's that time of year again!  We have been spending lots of time outside.  Sophia has been teaching Livvy the art of making mud or, as she calls it, "chocolate milk medicine with lettuce."  I love days that we spend tons of time outside being creative.  I'm so thankful I get to stay home and enjoy sunny days with my girls.

PJ's and Rain

Last week we had some really rainy days, so the girls went outside in their pajamas and had fun in the rain.  Sophia never lasts long when it's cold, but Livvy loved it.